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What habits could help you maximize advantages and leverage opportunities?

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."

--- Aristotle

In the previous article of the 20 questions to close 2020 series, we explored what your strengths are and what opportunities could be leveraged in 2021. What actions could you take to utilize them and achieve what you want?

More importantly, how could you make these actions a habit such that it would last through the year and beyond?

Identify THE action to take

First, identify one action that could maximize your advantage and leverage the opportunities. Just one. Make sure you pick THE action that is both manageable and effective.

I was a basketball team captain a few years ago. While my size as a big man was my biggest asset to the team, I quickly noticed how improving my stamina was crucial to keep up with the team, who are mostly younger and much faster than me. The one action I identified? Train my stamina by jogging every day.

Prepare to overcome your inertia

For the first week, I woke up at 5:30am every day to go jogging before work. Fresh air, nice view, I felt like I achieved something. Even managed to take a few shots to show off my new habit on social media.

Shortly afterwards, inertia kicks in. The new action felt like an achievement so motivation to keep on doing it fades, a delusion that the box has been checked. Slowly, the new habit gives way to all kinds of excuses, no matter how trivial that is. The weather was too bad, I slept too late, I jogged last week already, why not a well-earned rest?

We can’t escape inertia, but we could prepare ourselves for it. Set a very clear bottom-line, encouraging yourself to maintain the new habit no matter what comes as a reason not to.

Visualize the sweet rewards

When trying to fight against our natural inertia, the long term reason behind adopting a new habit feels less meaningful than the sweet little rewards you get every day.

When I was fighting my instincts at 5:30am in a winter morning, what motivated me to get up is not how my stamina would build up in the long run. It is the nice view of sun rise by seaside or the feeling of how ready I am at the beginning of the day that got me going.

While it is important to keep in mind your long term motivation behind adopting a new habit, it is equally important to visualize what short-term rewards you are going to gain when you manage to maintain the habit. Be mindful and enjoy the rewards every day.

Looking back at the action that could maximise your advantages, what habit could be adopted? What obstacles would likely be coming your way? How could you keep yourself going and how are you going to reward yourself?


Our Year-End Timeout service focuses on helping clients recap the eventful year, and prepare for what goals to achieve and what actions to take in 2021. Check out our page and give yourself or your friend an experience of reflection and exploration!


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