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What are your strengths & advantages in 2021?

With what you want to achieve or changes you want to see in 2021 in mind, what are your strengths? What give you an advantage to be the change you want to be?

Looking back at the past year, you achieved something amazing and endured unexpected challenges. How did you do that? Would this be useful in achieving what you want next year?

What are you good at?

Shifting your focus to the coming future, how could your strengths become your advantages? What do you need to do to maintain this advantage?

Sometimes, it is a bit more difficult to recognize your own strengths. Many people tend to put ourselves to a higher standard when recognizing our achievements or what we did well. "It's not me, it's just luck." "Well it's not something special, anyone could have done that." "Maybe I did something well, but it's not really that significant."

To be fair to ourselves, we recommend doing two things apart from going through a self reflection.

First, talk to someone who would take this discussion seriously. Find someone who would be objective and empathetic. Talk about what great things you did in the past year, what you are good at.

Most importantly, ask that person what he/she thinks are your strengths and advantage.

More often than not, inspiration comes from realizing a different perspective.


Our Year-End Timeout service focuses on helping clients recap the eventful year, and prepare for what goals to achieve and what actions to take in 2021. Check out our page and give yourself or your friend an experience of reflection and exploration!


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